Know 10 Shades of a Referral!
Sometimes Referrals are being given as Leads and Leads are the lowest level of a Referral.
What is the lowest level you will take? (You may hear all of the different numbers.)
#1! This may surprise people.
Now walk them through the following questions.
How do you know this person?
What made me think of me?
I’d really like to know a little bit more about the information. Do you have the kind of relationship that you’d be able to get some more details for me?
If they know the person well, you can ask if they would be interested in sitting down for coffee.
1. I give a name and/or contact information only.
2. I give out literature art, business cards, or company information.
3. I authorize the use of my name.
4. I send a letter of recommendation with a testimonial.
5. I send a letter of introduction and a follow-up phone call.
6. I qualify a prospects specific need or interest and arrange permission for the referral source to call the prospect.
7. I qualify a prospects specific need or interest to connect the referral source and the prospect with the understanding that they will meet for an appointment.
8. I qualify prospects specific needs or interests and arrange a three-way, face-to-face meeting where myself, the referral source, and the prospect are all present.
9. I describe products and services in person so well that I can tell the persons I’m referring what a prospect specifically needs within their product or service.
10. I bring my referral source a closed deal.
Now that you see the different ways let’s find out the best ways to refer you.
Now let’s know the are best ways to Refer me in my next blog.