Do you really TRUST your Resolution?
Every year ends with a Party on 31st of December and there comes a new Resolution for the next coming year!!! These resolutions are more Personal than Business.
Do we really follow the Resolution set on 31st for the next year?
How many people make new year’s resolutions? How many keep them? For how long?
Do we really TRUST ourselves in achieving the Resolution?
The most common resolutions are :
Weight Loss
Stop Smoking
Join a GYM
Some of the few known are Loan prepayments and Better financial planning.
Statistics say in a week’s time 25 percent of people forget their resolution; in a month’s time 10 percent more people forget their resolution; in six months 15 percent more people forget their resolution. Rest 50% achieve it as they are organised and prepared for the resolutions.
Same with business GOALS – 50 percent achieve them every year as they have a better CLARITY on the VISION of their business, which is well communicated to the people who matter to their business. People do not achieve their resolutions as they don’t communicate with people around them, which results in a big gap in TRUST.
I have set a Resolution of SELF REALISATION which can be a good human being with sharing and caring Values. This also relates o being Spirituality as you cannot achieve GOD REALISATION without SELF REALISATION. This needs a lot of planning and preparation to achieve.
Well, I wanted to communicate in this article so people who TRUST me and are reading this article can always remember my resolution and this will keep me on track.
Being in a profession of Helping Entrepreneurs set an amazing business and spectacular life I have to lead and let people follow the best of their resolutions to achieve in 2018.
So what is your New Year Resolution and the TRUST level in achieving it?